Meet first three winners of the All-Ukrainian photo contest “Breaking Stereotypes: Strong Women of My Hromada”

 Meet first three winners of the All-Ukrainian photo contest “Breaking Stereotypes: Strong Women of My Hromada”:


1. This is Dariya, a talented young girl from Zelenopidska hromada, Khersonska oblast. Despite her young age, this girl inspires everyone in her community with her positive and responsible approach towards problems of environment protection and human rights. Dariya has the dream to become an art and music teacher.


2. She fell in love with football in 1993 when she moved to the second grade. Hard training brought big results and Alina Horobets was recognized to the best indoor soccer player in the world in 2009. During her career Alina managed to score around 100 goals in various tournaments. Nowadays, she trains children. Alina thinks to achieve success it is important to be able to learn from mistakes, fight fears and gradually move forward towards your goal.


3. Lidia Mugli is a public activist from Mariupol who fights for more public control over the actions of the state authorities as well as the development and support of public activity of the villagers. ‘You cannot sit back and wait for change. Every citizen should take personal responsibility for accelerating decentralization, health and education reforms. A strong and active hromada is the key to speeding up the city's development’, - says Lidia. Lidia is convinced that active women can change the rules of the game, hence she makes a lot of efforts to increase women's activism in her hometown.


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