On 18 September, a police station was opened in the Serhiyivska amalgamated hromada of the Hadyach Rayon. The appropriate conditions to perform functional duties related to public safety and order in the hromada have been created for the work of a police officer.
“We managed to create the comfortable environment for the police officer's by our combined efforts. The video surveillance cameras were installed and the premises were provided with high quality equipment and special communication on the territory of the villages in the amalgamated hromada,” said Ihor Lidovyi, Head of the Serhiyivska AH.
Andriy Pasko, Head of the Prevention Sector of the Hadyach Police Department, thanked the hromada for its cooperation, trust and support given to the rayon police.
“In cooperation of the police with the local self-government bodies and the hromada, we have managed to create a police station where each of the hromada’s members will be able to receive prompt and high-quality assistance if it is necessary.
The station is always open for communication, consultations and legal support, which will facilitate the establishment of relations between the public and the police and the formation of trusting relations ”, said Andriy Pasko.
This is the seventh police station in the Poltava Oblast, which works for the comfortable and safe environment in the oblast’s amalgamated hromadas.
Полтавська областьГромади:
Сергіївська сільська об’єднана територіальна громадаSource:
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