Television programme featuring life of amalgamated hromadas launched in Rivne Oblast

The “Rhythm” Rivne TV Channel started a series of the “Visiting Hromadas” TV programmes. Throughout the day, the journalists study hromada’s life, get acquainted with achievements and plans, and then communicate it to the audience. The project is being implemented jointly with the Rivne Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

According to Nataliia Demediuk, head of the project, the changes in AHs of the Rivne Oblast inspire journalists to look for new topics.

"Visiting Hromadas" is our new product. This is a programme about successes, problems of people who are not only looking for changes, but have already implemented them. At first, we have presented our idea at one of the events made by the Rivne Local Government Development Centre, and they spread this information among hromadas. It is pleasant that the project is perceived positively, " she said.

“Amalgamated hromadas should properly communicate with the mass media, especially on the path of their development. This may influence their relations with the external environment and, even, the economic development, as it is necessary to consider what kind of image will be created for them by the press and television. And the “Rhythm” is our long-standing partner. This channel has already been broadcasting the “Hromada’s Territory” analytic programme and “AH’s News” radio programme,” said Vasyl Tuz, communication adviser at LGDC.

Please find an issue of the programme dedicated to the Oleksandriyska AH below:



The issue of the programme about the Klesivska AH can be found below:



Рівненська область


Клесівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Олександрійська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Олександрійська територіальна громада Клесівська територіальна громада


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