Second edition of Handbook for Work with Youth in Hromadas issued

Within the framework of the project “Hromada Youth Leaders School” a “Handbook for Work with Youth in Hromadas” was developed in Ternopil (DOWNLOAD).

“Hromada Youth Leaders School” is an educational project to train specialists who work with youth and is a follow-up to the “Public Administration in Youth Policy” project. The aim of the project is to provide the leadership and staff of the structural units responsible for implementing youth policies in hromadas, as well as youth activists, with integrated knowledge and skills that will help them effectively work with the youth of their hromadas.

“In the Handbook, the trainers involved in the project share their knowledge on topics related to work with youth in hromadas. In addition, before the start of the project, our NGO surveyed youth on topics the Handbook should cover. Each of the project participants chose a topic and highlighted it based on their own experience of working with youth in their hromada,” said Maksym Cherkashyn, Project Manager and NGO “Educational and Analytical Centre for Hromada Development”.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Тернопільська область


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