Public services will become better and more accessible: Presidential Decree published

Presidential Decree N647/2019 “On Some Measures to Provide Quality Public Services”

From now on all over Ukraine:

  1. Uniform visitor service quality requirements will act due to:
  • a clearly defined maximum waiting time in the queue,
  • measuring customer satisfaction,
  • an effective control mechanism, including a “secret visitor” option.
  1. More and more public services will be provided online, including:
  • a comprehensive e-service for land rights registration will be available,
  • housing and communal services issues will be solved online (replacements, verification, result),
  • individual administrative services will be provided without human intervention.
  1. The Network of Administrative Service Centres (ASC) will be developed and extended:
  • ASCs under RSA will be transferred to local self-government bodies on the basis of state co-financing,
  • applications will be filled by administrators, not visitors – if required,
  • part of the administration fee will be directed to the ASC needs and to remunerate administrators,
  • customers will receive quality and comprehensive advice in a convenient way (in person, by phone, online) – this applies to both pension, social and administrative services,
  • it will be possible to receive results of administrative services by courier if desired.
  1. It will be easy to get the most popular services:
  • interaction between registries will be established,
  • service obtaining procedures will be simplified,
  • technical errors and validity will be checked promptly,
  • the place of residence will be registered on a declarative basis, ensuring the rights of the owner,
  • social payments will be available to an account opened with any bank.


06.09.2019 - 16:18 | Views: 11889
Public services will become better and more accessible: Presidential Decree published


Administrative services


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