Competition for the journalistic work on “The best practices of the AH management based on the evidence based decision making”

Today, there is a major problem with high-quality and verified field data, which is supported by a number of international studies. This problem makes impossible to carry out high quality AH development analysis, see the real economy and make good management decisions.
To solve this problem, CID, with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, is implementing the Project “E-Solutions for Hromadas” ( The purpose of the Project is to move to Management 2.0 based on data using IT. Already, 30+Hromadas-participants are successfully moving towards a new type of governance and effective decision making.
In order to conduct research and popularize the best practices of  evidence based decision making, CID  announces an All-Ukrainian competition of journalistic works dedicated to successful case-based decision-making.
The purpose of the competition is to reveal the importance of using data on making effective decisions and developing communities.
There are four nominations for the competition:

  • online publication;
  • article in the print media;
  • radio material;
  • video footage.

The material should be previewed by CID and published for the first time between 26 August and 1 November 2019 in the national / regional media.
The materials to be submitted to until 1 November 2019. In the letter subject put ”Your name, Competition for the journalistic work”.
A participant may submit no more than one competition application in each nomination.
We would like to draw your attention that submitted materials that contain promotional information will be excluded from the competition.
Winners of the competition will be rewarded during the First Data-Driven Management Forum in Ukraine.
If you have additional questions, please email to
The Project “E-solutions for Hromadas” is implemented by CID under the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme




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