How does Ivanivska hromada reach development strategy goals and objectives?

In April 2019, the Ivanivska amalgamated hromada approved its development strategy for the next seven years. During the field consultation, Volodymyr Boyko, regional development adviser of the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, learned how hromada manages to accomplish certain tasks and what obstacles are in the way.

From the first days of the Ivanivska AH formation, the focus here was on attracting investors, developing small and medium-sized business. And the plans gradually become a reality. The AH enterprises already manufacture products from concrete, produce facade insulation, prefabricated heating and air conditioning systems, metal structures, produce soap. And a quail farm started its work on the territory of the former collective farm-millionaire.

In addition to creating a favourable investment climate and business development, the hromada development strategy includes healthcare direction as well.

The project of construction and work organisation of an Administrative Service Centre is also being implemented.

At the local school, they create a library at the expense of grants and hromada’s own funds. Street lighting is being restored, roads are being repaired.

Though there are challenges and risks. The Ivanivska AH is very concerned about the possible increase in requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science regarding the number of pupils in secondary schools, especially in the high-school classes.

The situation with the possibility of connecting industrial electrical installations to power networks is also of a great concern.

Another trend of local natural resources (sand, clay, peat) development is hampered by the fact that according to the legislation local self-governments have the right to use these resources only for their own needs and only up to a depth of two metres.

Almost every hromada faces similar situations. However, taking into account all the risks and challenges, the Ivanivska AH continues to fulfill its tasks step by step and go towards the overarching goal of creating a self-sufficient and prosperous hromada.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

05.09.2019 - 15:20 | Views: 5980
How does Ivanivska hromada reach development strategy goals and objectives?


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