New ASC opened in Studenyanska AH

On 28 August, a new Administrative Service Centre opened in the village of Studena, centre of the Studenyanska amalgamated hromada in the Vinnytsia Oblast. It will provide more than 100 administrative services to hromada residents, including the most required ones: registration of residence, registration of civil acts, notarial, pension and other services.

The new ASC will provide three thousand of its residents with access to quality administrative services. Previously, they had to travel to the ASC, located in about 12 kilometres from the AH centre.

Establishment of the ASC became possible due to support from the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. According to the decision of the Ministry of Social Policy, the hromada received UAH 1 million 180 thousand from the state budget. Due to hromada’s co-financing was the premises for the ASC were renovated in the amount of UAH 452.2 thousand. In addition, the Studena village council received hardware and furniture from the Ministry of Social Policy and with the support of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

At the same time, according to the results of the 1st selection round, the Studenyanska AH became a participant in the Roll-Out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to administrative service delivery. Programme experts continue to provide institutional assistance to the ASC and complete staff training. By the end of September 2019, the Programme will also install the state-of-the-art Vulyk Automation Software Complex developed by the EGOV4UKRAINE project and fully equip one remote administrator’s workplace in one of the hromada settlements.

Oleksii Kyrnasivskyi, head of the Studenyanska AH, noted: “We are grateful to the Ministry of Social Policy, international partners and experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme for their contribution to the development of our region. Through our teamwork, our hromada now has a modern and comfortable administrative centre. We are delighted that residents will be able to actively participate in AH development through discussions and public initiatives at the ASC, as well as receive quality administrative services nearby their homes.”

Attached images:


Administrative services


Вінницька область


Студенянська сільська об'єднана територіальна громада Студенянська територіальна громада


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