Criteria for capable education network formation in amalgamated hromadas - experts prepared methodological and informational guidelines

In order to support the Local Self-Government Bodies in forming and establishing their own education networks the group of experts on education within the framework of the Donors' Board incl. U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Project Office for Sectoral Decentralization/EDGE, Swedish-Ukrainian Project “Support to Decentralization in Ukraine” with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine developed the methodological and informational guidelines Criteria for Capable Education Network Formation in Amalgamated Hromadas.

The guidelines include:

  • The list of the criteria and their description, result indicators and practical recommendations on their application;
  • Legislative justification for the proposed criteria with references to legal acts;
  • Already existing examples how to apply the proposed criteria in AHs;
  • A list of useful sources and references on education management at the local level.  

All this will enable the LSGs to develop their own scenarios for the formation of capable education networks considering the available opportunities for establishing, reorganization, re-profiling or modernization of educational institutions.

15.08.2019 - 11:47 | Views: 17073
Criteria for capable education network formation in amalgamated hromadas - experts prepared methodological and informational guidelines


education education management Oksana Ruda


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