What does the model hromada start from? Some would say it starts from plain roads, quality education, assistance to small business. Of course, there are many components of success, but all of them can be achieved under one simple condition – if democracy prevails in the hromada. Today, in the Digital Hromadas section, the DOBRE Programme advises AHs how to turn a hromada website into an e-democracy portal in just a few clicks.
Why is it important?
Residents will have access to all the necessary decision-making tools. They can quickly get the information they need, contribute to hromada development, come up with ideas, and monitor, for example, budget execution.
Show yourself as a democratically oriented AH that is in tune with all the modern tools of public participation.
What is needed here?
For these purposes, the Dosvit platform offers a number of applications:
Please, get acquainted with applications in action on the website of the Bashtanska AH.
3) Fill your website with decision-making applications.
What services are meant here?
See how the Sofiyivska AH is using the suggested apps.
Some additional points of interest
Get inspired with a selection of 11 e-democracy practices, from urban geo-portals to contact centres.
For a selection of recommendations for sustainable development of AHs in digital space, see the link in the Digital Hromadas section. Learn how to develop an AH website with a new approach, how to attract investors, and build trust with residents. The Digital Hromadas section was developed by the SocialBoost team within the framework of the DOBRE Programme.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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