The Rivne Oblast became the fifth in Ukraine to launch the Hromada Police Officer project. Within its framework 27 amalgamated hromadas have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the police, and 41 police officers will serve in their territories after completing the training.
The project was presented with the presence of Serhii Knyazyev, Head of the National Police of Ukraine, John Montanio, head of the ICITAP regional office in Ukraine, US Department of Justice, oblast heads, oblast police, and AH heads.
According to Serhii Knyazyev, “Hromada Police Officer” is a new format of the police work. It is focused primarily on providing citizens with quality police services.
The training of hromada police officers is based on the experience gained, including during the training of the first group of officers in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. Several groups of police officers from other regions are currently being trained as well.
In his speech, John Montanio emphasised that local hromadas and the police will now have the opportunity to work together to solve certain hromada problems. Meanwhile, future hromada police officers will be trained to solve small problems long before they can become large-scale.
Participation of the US Department of Justice representatives in this project demonstrates its continued support from foreign partners. This support is provided through trainings and mentoring for Ukrainian police officers, and includes logistics activities.
AH heads of the Rivne Oblast also had the opportunity to communicate with their colleagues and police officers from the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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