Prykarpattia cooperation: experience of the Pechenizhynska and Nyzhnyoverbizka AHs

The Carpathians is a mountainous region with unique climate, peculiar culture, as well as sincere and hardworking people. The foothills of the Carpathians are known for their vibrant traditions, crafts and respect for the customs of their ancestors. And residents of the region are zealous for their culture. In recent decades, the problem of garbage has threatened the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature in this part of the Carpathians. Decentralisation provides opportunities that help hromadas jointly tackle environmental pollution. The Pechenizhynska and Nyzhnyoverbizka AHs concluded a cooperation agreement, began to sort and recycle garbage together. New habits and traditions make it possible to create jobs, save money and preserve the unique local nature.

More information can be found in the video produced by Ukraine Crisis Media Center as part of the USAID Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE) programme.


garbage cooperation


Івано-Франківська область


Нижньовербізька територіальна громада Печеніжинська територіальна громада


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