Self-employment development and wardrobe for low-income people. Ovruch proposes ideas under participatory budget

The Ovrutska AH introduced a participatory budget practice. Currently, ideas are being collected from residents who have to submit their budget implementation initiatives until 1 September.

“UAH 500 thousand from the hromada budget are allocated for the initiatives of the residents. The projects are of two types: large ones – from UAH 100 to 200 thousand, and small ones – from UAH 50 to 100 thousand. Projects are currently being collected to be voted in September. The winning projects will be implemented in 2020,” says Oksana Levkivska, Head of the Economic Department of the Ovruch City Council.

On 6 August, the adult library hosted an event aimed at intensive search for ideas and project proposals engaging young people, as well as educational and cultural institutions.


During the day, event participants were presented with experience of the Zhytomyr Oblast hromadas in participatory budget implementation and conducted a series of brainstorming sessions to find ideas. In particular, the AH youth council members have come up with more than 20 ideas, including the creation of a hromada Youth Centre, a charity wardrobe for those in need, arrangement of a beach on the banks of the Noryn’ River, elaboration of a series of historical-themed murals in the city, and development of school television and a vocational summer camp.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


budget youth


Житомирська область


Овруцька міська об’єднана територіальна громада Овруцька територіальна громада


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