Develop smart: open geodata portal for hromadas appeared in Ukraine

The first open geodata portal describing the possibilities of data use for the development of smart hromada management appeared in Ukraine. The portal contains over 100 datasets from 40 sources and 13 tips for their use.

Up-to-date and accurate data on soils, crops, construction, economic development, industry, recreational potential, weather, etc. is the basis for managerial decision-making in each hromada. But all of this data is scattered across different sources, making it difficult to systematise all information on hromada’s geospatial data. To address the challenge of finding a range of data that has a specific geographical location, the E-Solution for Hromadas Project team has created a GIS-DATA portal. It combines a simple, structured selection of geospatial layers and various analytical E-solutions aimed at innovative hromada development and local budget filling. By implementing analytic e-solutions, most of which are built on geospatial layers from the Portal selection, hromadas are provided with tools to:

  • Increase budget revenues
  • Effectively manage their assets
  • Solve environmental problems
  • Monitor the environment
  • Predict the development of unfavourable events (erosion, landslides, floods, etc.)
  • Manage the network of social infrastructure, etc.

The portal data is structured by categories and associated with each analytical solution.

It should be noted that collected layers provide not only an opportunity to get acquainted with the situation in more than 20 directions (terrain, administrative-territorial division, climate, industry, environmental monitoring, etc.), but also to upload geospatial layer to their own PCs by many categories.

In addition to geospatial data collected on the portal, you can use the following applications to analyse the current situation in the hromada:

GIS guide on the Portal


AH Atlas


GIS Data is a portal for the integration of open geospatial data to create prerequisites for managerial decision-making by AH representatives.

GIS Data Portal ( is the basis for effective data-driven decision-making, innovative development of your hromada and increased local budgets.

Е-solutions for Hromadas project is implemented by the Centre for Innovations Development with U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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