Another 150 hromadas got a chance for assistance in proper ASC establishment with U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support
In April 2019, the team of the U-LEAD with Europe Progrmme’s support to improved administrative service delivery announced the fourth round of hromadas’ selection for assistance in ASC modernisation and establishment. The commission, consisting of the Programme experts, representatives of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine analysed 179 applications from 24 oblasts of Ukraine and selected 150 for further analysis of hromadas’ capacity and ToR development for the ASC establishment or modernisation.
We draw the candidates’ attention to the fact that inclusion in the list does not imply unconditional support or full support, since a significant number of applications still require proper formal confirmation of commitments and verification of information (see the official announcement of the first selection results in more detail).
Specific types of assistance and its volume will be determined jointly by the Programme and hromada, taking into account the methodological approaches of the Programme to the functioning of the proper ASCs and results of visits to each hromada. The purpose of the visits is to provide detailed assessment of the real needs and identify measures for the modernisation and establishment of the Administrative Service Centre. In the event of identifying irreversible obstacles to participating in the Programme or unreliable information provided by the hromada, the application may be rejected at any stage.
From 1 August 2019, the authorised specialists of the Programme will contact and visit each hromada. During August-December 2019, terms of reference will be developed for capable hromadas for the ASC establishment or modernisation. More information on the ToR is available at the link.
We inform the hromadas that did not win in the selection round that the main reasons for the rejection of applications included:
- submission of applications by local self-government bodies that do not belong to the Programme target group. In particular, this applies to LSG bodies with a population of up to 5 thousand people (and thus do not fall under exceptions defined by the Rules) and more than 100 thousand people (and thus do not have the AH status or concluded agreements on cooperation of territorial hromadas). Besides, applications submitted by rayon state administrations were not considered as well.
- critical lack of information in the application for its evaluation (including lack of information about the premises, necessary plans, photos, etc.);
- lack of proper premises for the ASC and lack of information in the application on any prospects for the timely arrangement of such premises and / or lack of information on the financing of the relevant expenditures.
List of selected hromada in terms of oblasts
Note please: all selected hromadas must carefully review the full text of annoncement on selection results.
The list of selected hromadas by oblast is available in Ukrainian version of the article.

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