Modern village outpatient clinic opened in Zhdanivska AH
The Zhdanivska rural AH has opened an outpatient clinic for family healthcare that reports to the Zhdanivka Primare Healthcare and Sanitary Centre.
Last year, the Zhdanivska AH qualified for the list of hromadas participating in the state programme of healthcare development in rural areas. Construction works started in November 2018, and this summer the modern outpatient clinic offering a wide range of healthcare services has opened its doors for the hromada residents.
According to Stanislava Yadvizhna, head of the Zhdanivska AH, the outpatient clinic will serve more than 4000 residents of all settlements in the hromada. The facility has received modern medical equipment and specialized cabinets. There will be two family doctors and 13 persons of other medical staff. In addition, the hromada has taken care of social motives for medical professionals and provided them with accommodation.
The cost of constructing the outpatient clinic amounted to almost UAH 10 million: the sum of 10% of the funds was allocated from the local budget of the Zhdanivska AH, told the head of the hromada.
“The Zhdanivska hromada actively participated in the process of updating the primary level of medicine. According to the recommendations of the experts from the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the hromada set up its own Primare Healthcare and Sanitary Centre, made declarations and co-ordinated its cooperation with the National Healthcare Service. From now on, the hromada has a communal medical facility, and the opening of a modern outpatient clinic will improve the services in the AH. Besides, the hromada can attract additional doctors, expand the patient base and increase revenues to the local budget", commented on the event Vitaliy Shvets, adviser on municipal services of the Vinnytsia LGDC.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:
Вінницька областьГромади:
Війтівецька територіальна громадаSource:
Вінницький Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування

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