Mykola Stoliarchuk, head of Shpanivska AH: We will make tourism key asset for our hromada

On 13 July, the village of Khotyn in the Shpanivska AH located in the Rivne Oblast hosted the historical and cultural festival “Pohoryna. Chadorozh Area 2019”. Participants of the festival restored the time of the Kyivan Rus. Visitors of the festival had the opportunity to see the garments and weapons dating back to the Kyivan Rus. One of the key attractions of the festival was a free fight between groups of warriors. Tourists could also try themselves in bow-shooting or throwing spears. The visitors could also attend trial lessons in blacksmith and pottery workshops.

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15.07.2019 - 16:18 | Views: 11166
Mykola Stoliarchuk, head of Shpanivska AH: We will make tourism key asset for our hromada

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culture tourism Kultura krashchi praktyky


Рівненська область


Шпанівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Шпанівська територіальна громада


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