“Hromadasation” of Ukraine. How Different Political Parties Consider Decentralisation

Decentralisation is considered as one of the most successful reforms implemented in Ukraine after 2014. According to the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), 58% of the population of Ukraine consider the local self-government reform as necessary. 61.5% of the citizens confirm that they feel improvements resulting from the extended powers of local self-government.

It does not come as a surprise. Powers and resources allocated to local self-government bodies make it possible to address local issues and to ensure the implementation of sectorial reforms more effectively.


Decentralisation in Ukraine was successfully started. And now it is going to be the second phase of implementing reform suggesting the formation of capable hromadas, further amalgamation of AHs, changes in territorial arrangement at the level of rayons and hromadas, clear delimitation of powers and control functions at different management levels, as well as development of direct democracy on ground.

And it will depend on the parliament that we will elect on 21 July how the things connected with decentralisation will develop in the future. The Verkhovna Rada through making changes to the Constitution determines the administrative and territorial system in Ukraine, legally regulates the principles of the local self-government, the status of cities of Kyiv and Sevastopil, the special status of other cities, as well as legal regime of the state border, arrangement and activity of local executive bodies.

The “Election-election” special project and NGO Centre UA within the series of materials on promises given by parties in various spheres have decided to study decentralisation issue. After all, we can already predict from the pre-election programmes of parties, what kind of politics will be led by the new parliament.

Journalists of the project have analyzed 12 parties occupying the top 10 places in the national rankings. You can get known if they are planning to continue the reform from our material.


Will decentralisation go on?


Decentralisation is one of the most popular topics in the pre-election programmes of the politicians. It was promised to voters by 7 out of 12 investigated parties, such as European Solidarity, Servant of the People, Ukrainian Strategy of Groysman, Samopomich, Opposition Bloc, Opposition Platform for Life, and Power and Honour.  


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Спецпроект "Вибори Вибори"

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