Enthusiasm and creative ideas are main components of high-quality cultural services in hromada

All-faceted development is important for amalgamated hromadas in course of their first steps made. The cultural and tourist industry is no exception. Oksana Stelmakh, adviser of the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, learned about the cultural projects implemented by the Koropska AH.

The first elections in the hromada took place at the end of 2017. During the reorganisation of the local self-government bodies, a culture and tourism department was created, headed by Lyudmyla Samoilovska – a woman with incredible energy, demanding of her and her subordinates.

They started with the revival of the Kybalchych Park and implementation the "Singing Park" project on Wednesdays in the warm season. The AH engaged creative teams of its cultural clubs, amateurs, children’s groups.

From singing they switched to dancing and organising evening dance parties called “Summer Evenings”.

The Koropska AH is constantly looking for new ideas and supporting endeavors of active residents, then analyses results, impressions and improve activities.

This year, the first song festival “Song is Coming from the Soul” has been held. Horodyshche village hosted the Borshch Fest for the third time already.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

12.07.2019 - 14:18 | Views: 11019
Enthusiasm and creative ideas are main components of high-quality cultural services in hromada




Чернігівська область


Коропська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Коропська територіальна громада


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