Experience in the field of water supply and sewage: DESPRO infographics

The Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) shared its many years of experience in water supply and sewage in a short infographics (DOWNLOAD).

Infographics was presented by project experts at Regional Water Team Days of the Sub-RésEAU Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This conference is a regular thematic event in the field of water supply and sewage, organised by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). This time, partners from Moldova, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania, Serbia and Northern Macedonia shared their experience.

“In our work on improving public service quality, we concentrate on implementing institutional changes,” says Vyacheslav Sorokovskyi, DESPRO expert in public services and monitoring. “We work with both local self-governments and utility companies, and help implement good governance instruments for sustainable development of hromada services. This is the position of the SDC Swiss Agency and it is directly related to the local self-government reform. As the reform itself, our projects in the field of water supply and sewage contribute to hromadas’ capacity increase both at the institutional and infrastructure level.”

12.07.2019 - 11:43 | Views: 10975

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DESPRO water supply


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