Stepanetska AH implements two eco-projects

The ceremony of awarding certificates to the winners of the Microgrants Competition “Time To Act-2019: Eco-environment to Hromadas” was held in Cherkasy. The competition commission ​​selected 20 winners among 34 projects.

Two projects from the Stepanetska AH won:

  • Martynivka Treasury Ecological and Historical Route Project (by Viktoria Perebyinis, Martynivka educational complex) envisages identification of water sources located in the Martynivka starosta district, arrangement of adjacent territories, laboratory analysis of water, reduction of deficit of clean drinking water in the hromada, organisation of the eco-historical route “Martynivka Treasure”;
  • Bioenergy as Choice of the Future” Project (by Ivan Stepanets, chief specialist of the Department of Economics and Investments of the Stepanetska AH), provides for the lighting of Stepantsi village during evening and night hours with the help of self-inclusive solar panel street lights. These systems are a saving alternative to traditional lighting since they do not require energy costs, use economically clean energy, have a long service life, are resistant to natural factors, represent cost-efficient and reliable energy source and have attractive appearance.

Thus, more than UAH 70 000 will be directed to the improvement of the state of water facilities and rational use of natural resources in the territory of the Stepanetska hromada from the Charity Fund “Urozhay Hromadi”, supported by the LLC Scientific and Production Firm “Urozhay”, and the amount co-financed from the local budget will be close to UAH 90 000.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

09.07.2019 - 11:09 | Views: 7210
Stepanetska AH implements two eco-projects


Черкаська область


Степанецька сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Степанецька територіальна громада


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