Chernihiv Oblast Journalism Competition on Local Self-Government: prize fund doubled

For the second consecutive year, the Chernihiv Oblast holds an oblast competition of journalistic reports on the topic of reforming local self-government and territorial organisation of power.

Last year it was initiated by the decision of the Chernihiv Oblast Council to raise awareness of the oblast’s population regarding the local self-government reform implementation and dissemination of the best practices for hromada development based on the methodology of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Reform in Ukraine” and in support of initiatives of the Chernihiv Oblast Organisation of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.

The initiative to launch the competition has found support in the region. And this year, to activate the media community of the region and attract a wider circle of participants the remuneration to the winners of the competition has been doubled. The corresponding decision was made by local deputies during the plenary meeting of the eighteenth oblast council’s session.

The feature of the Journalism Competition in the Chernigiv Oblast is that not only full-time, but also freelance media workers, as well as persons engaged in independent creative activity, employees of information departments and press services of local self-government and executive authorities of the oblast can submit their works.

This year, the call for applications and materials was launched on 1 June and will continue until 30 September inclusive. Then reports of the participants will be studied and evaluated by the Competition Commission. Results and solemn celebration of the winners are scheduled for the Local Self-Government Day.

The contestants can submit their creative works in four genre nominations: online publication, publication in printed media, radio material, video material, TV programme, and video report.

Among the works submitted for the Competition 3 winners will be determined in each of the aforementioned nominations, who will receive diplomas and financial remuneration in the amount according to the Prize category (with doubled financial support).

  • I prize – in the amount of 8 subsistence minimum wages for able-bodied persons, established on 1 December of the competition calendar year;
  • II prize - in the amount of 6 subsistence minimum wages for able-bodied persons, established on 1 December of the competition calendar year;
  • III prize - in the amount of 4 subsistence minimum wages for able-bodied persons, established on 1 December of the competition calendar year.

More information on the Competition can be found here. Work can be submitted to the Competition by filling-in online application form.


We also inform that ,edia works can be simultaneously sent to the All-Ukrainian Journalism Competition on the topic of reforming local self-government and territorial organisation of power, held by MinRegion. Works are accepted till 30 September 2019 online at, More information is available by phone: (044) 458-44-40; (044) 501-92-03; (093) 403-58-87; (097) 917-70-70.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.07.2019 - 09:52 | Views: 7657
Chernihiv Oblast Journalism Competition on Local Self-Government: prize fund doubled

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Чернігівська область


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