Practice of the Pyriatynska urban AH (Poltava Oblast) on “The system of collection and removal of solid household waste on the territory of Pyriatynska urban AH and five village councils-partners is the basis for the formation of a safe living environment in the communities.”
The first place in the “Best Local Self-Government Practices” competition in 2018 on the topic “Formation of a safe living environment”.
Pyriatyn, at all times, was willingly investing funds in landscaping. The “Kashtan” utility company, which provided relevant services to citizens, enterprises and institutions, has been effectively operating, a categorised landfill was functioning, and therefore the streets, parks and other public places remained clean not only after a month of improvement, on the eve of holidays and on a Shear Thursday.
The Pyriatyn City Council offered 6 neighbouring village councils to participate in the joint project on “Joining communities’ efforts for the sake of the clean environment of the Pyriatyn Rayon”, signing an agreement on cooperation of territorial communities.
Due to the consolidation of the funds of the city budget, international donors, and the Poltava Oblast Council, contributions of partner communities, modern garbage trucks have been purchased. Containers were manufactured according to the technical requirements at the local “Budagromash” company: they were twice cheaper, with a cover and tested.
An important component of the project was arrangement of solid waste collection sites in all settlements, establishment of a clear waste removal system, natural landfills’ elimination. The next step was to develop a project for the reconstruction of urban landfill and turn it into a solid household waste collection site.
Recently, the Pyriatynska AH has won in the oblast competition for the implementation of separate plastics collection, there is a regional firm that processes this raw material. Introduction of separate glass collection is next in line.
The practice of the Pyriatynska AH eloquently proved that due to well-thought out information measures, local authorities can significantly increase the level of culture and self-awareness of citizens in handling solid household waste.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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