Educational complex of Orativska AH: energy efficient school, art centre, summer camp and open-air sports

The Orativska rural AH, located in the Vinnytsia Oblast, shows a good example in organising work of education establishments of all levels on the hromada’s territory.

The Orativska AH was formed in 2016. It includes 7 settlements, and the population is about 4300 residents. The hromada established a hub school of the I-III degrees for 500 children. 229 pupils are studying in this school, and 45 teachers support the learning and teaching process. The children in the Orativska AH are taught in one shift and have all opportunities for out-of-school education, as the hromada has the children’s art centre, music school and several sports facilities.

However, according to Ihor Barskyi, head of the Orativska AH, the AH hub school is located in the old premises that require renovation, and namely thermo-modernisation, fire safety measures, ramps, stairs, replacement of windows, entrance and classroom doors as well as facade renovation.

The urban village council developed a project “Major repairs of the secondary school of І-ІІІ degrees in the urban-type settlement of Orativ using energy saving technologies” as a component of the Economic and Social Development Programme of the Orativska AH and the Strategic Development Plan of the hromada for 2018-2025.

According to the head of the Orativska hromada, the AH is popular among the neighbouring settlements because of the whole range of education establishments located there and a high quality environment for integrated children’s education - preschool, school, out-of-school education.

According to the experts of the Vinnytsia LGDC, hromadas that create a complex education space have higher chances to be capable and reach sustainable economic development in future.

Such space based on a principle of educational complex is established by the Orativska rural AH, as all educational establishments are located in the hromada’s centre, in the green park zone. There is a kindergarten, school, summer camp, children’s art centre, music school as well as several modern open-air sports grounds and playgrounds.

The hromada ahs benefited from the recommendations on configuration of the educational network in amalgamated hromadas of the Vinnytsia Oblast, developed by experts of the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


best practices education education


Вінницька область


Оратівська територіальна громада


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