Hennadii Zubko: France will participate in the training of civil servants of Ukraine

France and Ukraine are interested in strengthening cooperation in decentralization and organization of regional authorities, as well as in the field of territorial development and public service reform. This was stated by Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities HennadiiZubko at a meeting with Minister of Decentralization, Administrative Reform and the Civil Service of FranceMarylise Lebranchu during his working visit to France.

"France has offered its assistance in reforming Ukrainian educational institutions that deal with training of civil servants", said Hennadii Zubko.

According to him, France is willing to provide Ukraine with the modular programs for the training of employees in the public service and in local government bodies.

"Apart from that, our French partners have offered their help in the development of mayor training program - the Mayor School," added the official.

According to Hennadii Zubko, a group of French experts is due to come to Kyiv soon who cooperate with the Ministry of Regional Development to elaborate and implement the law on prefects. In addition, the Ukrainian Government relies on the participation and active assistance in this process by the National School ofAdministration of France (ENA).

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