Stopping decentralisation reform right now is like stopping the train at full speed – Volodymyr Groysman

The decentralisation reform – transfer of powers and financial resources to the ground – introduced by the Government of Ukraine, needs to be enshrined at the constitutional level, in order not to threaten to wind up the reform and stop the hromadas on their path towards amalgamation, growth and development. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during his meeting with the heads of amalgamated hromadas of the Vinnytsia Oblast.

“Where people are active and want change, new parks, gardens, roads, schools, and hospitals are being renovated. Financial resources are already here. Now it is high time to use them correctly,” said Volodymyr Groysman. “We need to complete decentralisation. Protect it – including amendments to the Constitution. I will support hromadas as much as possible... Stopping decentralisation right now is like stopping the train at full speed.”

The Head of Government stressed that development of small cities is one of advantages of the reform. Volodymyr Groysman emphasised that in oblast centres, the development budgets include billions of hryvnias. Instead, small cities need attention. “I will support such places,” said Volodymyr Groysman.

10.06.2019 - 14:43 | Views: 8920
Stopping decentralisation reform right now is like stopping the train at full speed – Volodymyr Groysman


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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