People should decide themselves on development direction – this is the main idea of ​​decentraliіation, - Prime Minister

Residents of amalgamated hromadas got the right to decide on the direction of development themselves and implement those projects that bring a new quality of life, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman talking to the residents of the Voronovytska AH in the Vinnytsia Oblast. The Head of Government is working today in the oblast, and the local self-government reform process and analysis of the first phase of its implementation are among the topics of concern.

35 capable hromadas out of 59 planned have been formed in the Vinnytsia Oblast so far. All of them have direct relations with the budget, receive state support and form their own revenues.

Thus, over three years, the consolidated budget of Voronovytska AH with a population of 8 thousand residents, has increased from UAH 7 million to 51 million, the volume of medical and educational subvention to the hromada only this year makes up UAH 17.3 million. The AH renovates roads, social infrastructure, and attracts private business to cooperate. In plans for the coming years include the launch of municipal transport lines, renovation of water pipelines, and industrial park development.

“People should decide themselves on how to develop, this is the ideology we enshrined in the reform,” said Volodymyr Groysman. “In this, infrastructure, social sphere and culture need to be developed. Yesterday I was at the opera festival in Tulchyn. I believe such events can and must be held in every hromada.”

Residents of Voronovytsia, in their turn, noted that the decentralisation reform should be enshrined at the constitutional level. According to people, it is impossible to stop the change.

10.06.2019 - 13:29 | Views: 6484
People should decide themselves on development direction – this is the main idea of ​​decentraliіation, - Prime Minister


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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