Fitness library and other achievements of Morynska AH

The Morynska AH is one of the smallest hromadas in the Cherkasy Oblast, which unites 6 villages, 2 settlements and 1805 inhabitants.

According to Anatoliy Vyduta, head of the hromada, the Morynskaya AH has been operating for only one and a half years. They use UAH 15 million of budget funds to maintain 4 cultural centres and 1 cultural club, 1 outpatient clinic and rural health posts in each AH village, 4 libraries and 1 educational complex, attended by 140 pupils. Children are brought to the hub school from all villages by a school bus, the hromada also pays for bus travels between villages. The hromada has already renovated some infrastructure facilities (cultural centres, a school), and plans repairs this year as well. Here one can see children's playgrounds installed and small parks arranged everywhere. The hromada is being cleaned up so thoroughly that one may hardly see any piece of paper in the streets.

New playground in Vyhrayiv

The Morynska hromada also impresses with the tremendous respect for folk traditions and culture. Each AH village has vocal groups, meeting the guests of the hromada with the anthem of their village.

Cultural centre in Vyhrayiv

Cultural club in Sotnyky

Cultural club in Sotnyky

Cultural club in Sotnyky


One of the largest hromada villages, Vyhrayiv, is the place of Bohdan Khmelnytsky's historic battle with the Rzeczpospolita’s army. And the details of this victory can be heard by the guests in the only Museum of Cossack Glory in Ukraine, located in Vyhrayiv.

The place of the historic battle in Vyhrayiv

Museum of Cossack Glory in Vyhrayiv

Museum of Cossack Glory in Vyhrayiv


The green tourism manor of local deputy Andriy Stolyarevskyi, who moved from Crimea, is successfully operating today in the AH. His family holds an apiary and surprises tourists with extremely tasty honey and opportunity of healing in a unique api-therapy house.

Green tourism manor in Sotnyky

Green tourism manor in Sotnyky

Green tourism manor in Sotnyky


One of the greatest unique achievements of the Morynska AH is a fitness library recently opened in Moryntsi. This is how the hromada decided to engage children and young people in a cultural and healthy way of life. The fitness room in the part of the library's premises was arranged at the expense of the infrastructure subvention left, the lion's share of which went to road repair.

Fitness library in Moryntsi


A press tour to the Korsun Rayon, to Morynska AH, was organised by the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


culture tourism


Черкаська область


Корсунь-Шевченківська територіальна громада


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