According to Johannes Hahn, the EU will allocate 97 million euro to support decentralization in Ukraine

The European Union is ready to allocate 97 million euro to support decentralization in Ukraine. The funds will be targeted at training of highly-qualified specialists. According to the press-sevice of Lviv OSA, the statement was made by Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn during a press-conference in Lviv on November 19.

“For successful implementation of the reform we need people of respective qualification. EU is willing to provide funds for training of these people. I am also convinced, that in the nearest future the investments from our side will yield respective results for residents of both Lviv region and Ukraine as a whole”, said Johannes Hahn.

The Commissioner also noted that he was greatly impressed by communication with representatives of amalgamated communities of Lviv region: “There are 28 EU member countries, but at the same time the EU includes 275 regions. I can clearly state that Europe is successful because of this diversity, strengths, and certain differences between our regions. That is why the EU supports decentralization reforms, which are well-organized and well-targeted”.

In his turn, the Head of Lviv oblast state administration, Oleg Synyutka, noted, that the European Commissionner’s visit to Lviv region was an event of extreme significance. “It is the acknowledgement of the fact that our region is one of the leaders in reform implementation”.

The oblast council Head is sure that 15 communities of Lviv region, which have united, will become the locomotive of reforms in Ukraine.

«I am convinced that the Euro-commissioner’s visit will allow us to provide the best assistance to these communities, and implement the living standards, which Lviv region residents are waiting for », Lviv OSA Head concluded. 

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