How to equip New Educational Space – three manuals for hromadas

Three manuals on how to create a New Educational Space in educational institutions were issued in Ukraine.

The manuals are designed to show the local authorities how to organise the modern educational environment. They will also be useful to school directors, teachers, parents, project organisations, architectural and design bureaus involved in creation of the New Educational Space projects.

How to create a motivational space

Color set, composition, approaches to organisation of modern educational space, planning and design of interiors of groups of school premises, furniture, territory nearby school, multifunctional space and much more.

The manual is available at this link.


How to create a barrier-free space and conditions for inclusive education

Signs of accessibility, provision of bareer-free travel for less-mobile groups, adaptation of premises and adjoining territory, inclusive-resource centres and resource rooms.

The manual is available at this link.


What should modern equipment of classrooms and ICT be like

Rational equipment of educational institutions with ICT, methods of using ICT in educational process, qualification and training of teaching staff.

The manual is available at this link.

In addition, the NES promised to publish the fourth energy efficiency guide for educational institutions soon.

The New Educational Space Project is being implemented by MinRegion with the Ministry of Education and Science and initiative local authorities within the framework of decentralisation and the educational reform of the New Ukrainian School.

The manual is prepared with the support of the European Union and its member states of Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.


New Ukrainian School education New Educational Space


Нова українська школа

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