Today, we can once again make sure that two important reforms give a synergistic effect: decentralisation and the National Police reform, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman at the launch of the “Police Officer of Hromada” project.
“Police Officer of Hromada” is a joint project of hromadas and the National Police. The goal of the project is for each AH to have a police officer living its life, being in constant communication and assisting the hromada. According to the 2019-2020 project plan, 1624 policemen should be selected for hromadas.
“The Government has two main tasks: firstly, make Ukrainians live better, and secondly, assure Ukrainians live in safety,” the Head of Government said.
According to Volodymyr Groysman, the Government will direct financing in order to ensure that policemen in every corner of Ukraine are well-equipped and able to carry out professional service – ensure order and safety.
In addition, the decentralisation reform has provided new financial opportunities to hromadas, primarily small cities and villages, which can target them at education, healthcare and, in particular, public safety.
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