Dismissal and new equipment: development of hospital in Zabolotivska AH

One and a half years ago, the Zabolotiv settlement formed itsamalgamated hromada.

The Zabolotivska AH was the only in the oblast to take over the rayon hospital on its balance and form a nonprofit communal enterprise. So today, residents of the entire Snyatyn Rayon visit Zabolotiv hospital.

However, according to the AH head Ivan Tanyuk, the preservation and successful operation of the hospital was preceded by unpopular decisions on the dismissal of workers.


“In two days, the chief doctor and I downsized fifty doctors who worked abroad, but were on the record of the hospital. Last year, at hromada’s expense, we purchased computer equipment there. In addition, we do not have any payroll debts,” says the AH head.

In turn, Ihor Paliychuk, director of the Zabolotiv Rayon Hospital, assures that after amalgamation conditions have become much better for both staff and patients.

"After amalgamation, the hromada purchased computers, a new ECG machine, blood analyser to the laboratory. In addition, in Rudnyky, an outpatient clinic is being constructed at the expense of the state budget, and a new service car was received. As far as needs are concerned, we require a new X-ray machine, analysers, fibro gastroscope. But in general, we are provided with everything necessary for workm” says Mr Paliychuk.



The hospital serves 15,000 hromade residents, but in reality, there are many more patients, since the villages that border with the AH, but did not amalgamate with it, signed service contracts.




Ihor Paliychuk recalls that in order to preserve the hospital, 49 employees were downsized last year. This allowed saving UAH 3 million for the maintenance of the institution. However, only the utility specialists, second-level posts and “on-paper” employees were dismissed.

There are no queues in the corridors of the hospital, all patients arrive at the appointed time.

The office of the family doctor Yaroslava Kalinchuk is equipped with a laptop and computer for a nurse.




Yaroslava Kalinchuk signed declarations with 1620 patients (90%) and provides all services: examinations, consultations, preventive vaccinations. She recognises that wages have changed considerably. Of course, the workload has equally increased, since people come from the villages.

"I have my personal car and there is a hospital transport, so it is not a problem to reach the patient. In an urgent case and if I have no appointments with patients, I go on call right away. In other cases, I visit the patients within a defined timeline,” explains the family doctor.



The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Івано-Франківська область


Заболотівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Заболотівська територіальна громада



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