Enrollment to “Let's Change!” programme on public project management for small cities opened


Active citizens ready to invest their time in creating a comfortable living space in their city or urban-type settlement are invited to take part in the programme for training public initiative managers. During the training participants will:

  • hear the experience of top managers of successful Ukrainian companies and leaders of effective public initiatives
  • get acquainted with the internal ecosystem and the principles of management of commercial and non-profit organisations
  • visit various corners of Ukraine and meet local change-makers
  • will have an opportunity to visit Berlin and learn about German experience (knowledge of a foreign language is not mandatory)

Last year, the project partner companies included Nestle Ukraine, Sigma Software, Fest Lokal Emotion Holding, Sheptytskyi Centre, UAL Kharkiv. This year, the participants will meet the guests from no less interesting platforms and organisations.

All interested persons must fill in the application form (https://cutt.ly/KtoSRN). Deadline for applications is 26 June.

For more information, please contact the “Let's Change” Project organisers: Davayzminy@gmail.com

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

23.05.2019 - 11:05 | Views: 5533
Enrollment to “Let's Change!” programme on public project management for small cities opened


ГО "Відкритий простір"

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