Implementation of decentralisation processes in the youngest AH of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Exactly one year has passed since amalgamation of the Rozdolska AH, the youngest and the smallest amalgamated hromada of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

The Rozdolska AH was formed in the Mykhailivka Rayon last year. It combined three village councils. The hromada is small – its total population amounts to 4242 people.

There are three general secondary schools and three kindergartens. Local farms, in particular “Tavria-Scythian”, help provide educational institutions with food products. "Borsch intended products" are supplied to school dining-rooms free of charge, and 1-3 grade pupils are granted with food subvention from the village council.

Recently, a sports ground with artificial surface has appeared in the Rozdollia school. The AH also has a modern stadium and a sports complex, repaired at the expense of local entrepreneurs.

There is a bakery operating in the hromada and offering a large product range, enough for the entire AH and the whole rayon.

According to Valentyna Kopeichenko, head of theRozdolska AH, the hromada budget is 30 million UAH per year, and is formed mainly by taxes payed by local entrepreneurs.


Запорізька область


Роздольська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Роздольська територіальна громада


UA: Запоріжжя

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