Baranivska AH is successfully implementing “Youth cluster of organic business” project

Construction of a transparent office, mini-cheese dairies, farms of PE Alex Agro, youth involvement, business climate creation and organic business cluster development – the Baranivska amalgamated hromada is successfully implementing the EU grant project “Youth cluster of organic business”.

Oksana Zahorska, head of the project, spoke about its implementation status at the meeting of the Oblast Coordination Council on the issues of attracting, using and monitoring international technical assistance under the leadership of Roman Shchebetov, deputy head of the Oblast State Administration.


Implementation of this project envisages EUR 1 million 15.8 thousand and consists of 3 components:

  • development of solid infrastructure;
  • youth engagement;
  • business climate creation and organic business cluster development.

According to Oksana Zahorska, the project was launched in 2018, and during this time a huge amount of work has been done.


Young people are actively involved in the implementation of the project. The hromada created an interschool resource centre, technical, sewing and greenhouse coworkings, introduced school television, and developed a course for high school pupils “It’s Easy to be an Entrepreneur”.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


business youth


Житомирська область


Баранівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Баранівська територіальна громада


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