Who is eligible to participate in last selection round for hromadas wishing to establish or to modernise administrative service centres: results of information session

On 14 May, an information session took place in Kyiv concerning the last (fourth) selection round of the Roll-Out Phase of the “U-LEAD with Europe” Programme dedicated to the establishment and modernisation of ASCs.

More than 100 participants of the event, representatives of MinRegion, the leadership of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, representatives of the Oblast State Administrations, LGDCs and the hromadas leaders learned:
• who can take part in the selection and on what conditions;

• how to fill out an application correctly;

• what it is necessary to consider for making a proper ASC with the support of the Programme.

For everyone who could not personally join but plans to apply for the programme, it will be useful to watch the video from the event:

It is worth mentioning that the last (fourth) round of selection for participants of the Roll-Out Phase to establish and modernise ASCs is under way, and in this round, unlike previous ones, communities of settlements with the population number up to 100,000 residents and the amalgamated hromadas without any limits concerning their population number from all oblasts of Ukraine may be involved. Applications should be submitted until 30 June 2019 via the following link: tsnap.ulead.org.ua.

Attached images:


Administrative services


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