The new line is intended for household waste processing - both at landfills, and at unauthorised dumps. The design of a mobile garbage collector was developed by the Poltava engineers. The Veselivska AH is the first one in Ukraine to purchase it. The new line for sorting solid waste was located at the Veselivka landfill site for household waste.
The main equipment of the garbage collector is located in the truck trailer. The garbage is loaded into a hopper container, from there it moves along a conveyor belt. The solid waste enters the drum separator, where bags are torn, and the garbage is calibrated to a fine fraction. The belt conveyor delivers garbage for manual sorting. Here, workers sort paper, plastic, and other waste. The magnetic separator automatically separates metal waste. Organic waste is also sorted into a separate container. The caravan is equipped with a metal-plastic door, windows, and a ventilation system. At each station there are emergency buttons, and equipment control is carried out from the control panel.
For a month, the solid waste sorting line will work in a test mode. Its work is planned to be established on a permanent basis during this time.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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