Decentralisation is reform of the future

Dashivska AH of the Vinnytsia Oblast became a participant of the pilot project on assessment of local budget effectiveness implemented with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Ptogramme in 10 Ukrainian AHs.

In March of this year, experts from the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Cenrte and specialists from the Centre for Information and Analytical Technologies visited the Dashivska AH, analysed and evaluated the level of hromada’s financial management.

After the research was completed, financial management assessment results were presented at the Vinnytsia LGDC, according to which the Dashivska settlement AH showed a high level of budget process efficiency, accounting organisation and financial management in general. The U-LEAD with Europe Programme handed the Report on Results and Recommendations for Further Effective Hromada Management to the hromada.

According to Serhii Titarenko, head of the Dashivska AH, the hromada highly prioritises jobs creation and investment attraction.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

07.05.2019 - 11:05 | Views: 6477
Decentralisation is reform of the future


Вінницька область


Дашівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Дашівська територіальна громада


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