By end of the year, there will be 600 new educational spaces in Ukraine, - Hennadii Zubko

The educational reform is not only the introduction of new methods and a new Ukrainian school. This is creation of an entirely new educational environment for children, educational infrastructure that includes 4 essential components: energy efficiency, barrier-free approach, safety and new motivational design, emphasised Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, during an Hour of Questions to the Government .

"In Ukraine, there are already 450 ASCs, of which 150 ASCs have started working from the beginning of the year. By the end of the year, we are planning to have 600 ASCs. We have approved new State Building Requirements for schools and kindergartens. They concern not only inclusiveness and energy efficiency, but also new approaches to the educational process organisation. For example, new State Building Requirements allow us to build kindergartens with up to 70 places in residential complexes, where there is a certain lack of territory", said Hennadii Zubko.

The official stressed that all changes were aimed, first of all, at introduction of the new quality and, therefore, fruitful cooperation between MinRegion, Ministry of Education and Science, specialised committee of the Parliament and local self-government bodies is important in this respect.

26.04.2019 - 12:43 | Views: 8406
By end of the year, there will be 600 new educational spaces in Ukraine, - Hennadii Zubko


H.Zubko education


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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