Vulyk awarded its most active participants

EGOV4UKRAINE project finalised the piloting of the information system Vulyk and awarded its most active users in the seminar held on April 11-12, 2019 in Odessa.

The project EGOV4UKRAINE handed to seven ASCs over Wi-Fi routers for their active participation in the piloting of the Vulyk system. The awards went to ten administrators from seven ASCs for their valuable contribution and smart ideas during the piloting phase. The piloting was conducted from August 2018 – March 2019 in 10 administrative service centres (ASC).

According to EGOV4UKRAINE team leader Mari Pedak, the piloting gave a fruitful experience to all participants. “We are very grateful for all input and suggestions the users of Vulyk made during the piloting and in the final seminar. We put all our efforts into developing the system further and opening it to interact with state registries via the Trembita system. This will reduce paperwork and raise the speed of the work and communication of ASCs tenfold,” said Mari Pedak.

All shareholders of the piloting took part in the seminar: representatives of ASCs of the cities of Nova Kakhovka, Kamyanets-Podolsky, Kakhovka, Obukhov, Olevsk, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Rzhyshchiv, Yuzhne; EGOV4UKRAINE project team, State Agency for E-Governance of Ukraine, Center of Information Resources of Ukraine and "Soft Xpansion Ukraine", the company developing the information system.

The information system Vulyk will be launched in up to 600 ASCs across Ukraine by the end of the year 2020.

The EGOV4UKRAINE project (“Support for E-Governance Decentralization in Ukraine”) is part of the Ukrainian decentralization support programme U-LEAD with Europe, which runs from 2016 until 2020. It is financed by the EU and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.

EGOV4UKRAINE aims to improve public service provision in Ukrainian local governments by developing and launching the data exchange system Trembita and the information system Vulyk for ASCs. By the end of the project, ASCs are expected to be able to provide altogether hundreds of administrative services in the centres, there will also be services available online.

24.04.2019 - 09:48 | Views: 9929
Vulyk awarded its most active participants

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EGOV4UKRAINE Administrative services


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