“Small Cities – Great Impressions”: info days of the project to start in oblasts on 22 April (schedule and registration)

The “Small Cities – Great Impressions” project was launched on 15 April. This is a competition of cultural and artistic projects of hromadas with a population of up to 50 thousand people, for which the Government has allocated UAH 50 million.

Applications will be accepted until 15 May (how to apply?).

Next week, the info days campaign of the project begins in the oblasts.

22 April

Venues and registration links can be found in the Ukrainian version of this page HERE

  • Poltava

  • Zaporizhzhia

  • Vinnytsia

23 April

Venues and registration links can be found in the Ukrainian version of this page HERE

  • Ternopil

  • Khmelnytskyi

  • Dnipro

  • Kharkiv

24 April

Venues and registration links can be found in the Ukrainian version of this page HERE

  • Mykolayiv

  • Rivne

  • Sumy

  • Zhytomyr

  • Kyiv

25 April

Venues and registration links can be found in the Ukrainian version of this page HERE

  • Cherkasy

  • Kherson

26 April

Venues and registration links can be found in the Ukrainian version of this page HERE

  • Kropyvnytskyi

  • Odesa

  • Luhansk Oblast


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

18.04.2019 - 15:37 | Views: 11675
“Small Cities – Great Impressions”: info days of the project to start in oblasts on 22 April (schedule and registration)


announcement competition


Асоціація міст України

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