106 families in the Slobozhanska AH received apartments in a new building

A modern high-rise building in the centre of the Slobozhanska amalgamated hromada (settlement of Slobozhanske, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast) is built. 106 families are happy to move to their new housing. The keys were presented to people who had been “in the queue” for their appartments for more than a decade. This “social housing” was constructed for the first time in the years of independent Ukraine.



The apartments were allocated to the families of teachers, doctors, ATO soldiers, as well as large families and single mothers.







Construction costing almost UAH 180 million was financed from the local and oblast budgets.




The new apartment building in the centre of the Slobozhanska AH “grew up” over a little more than a year.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Дніпропетровська область


Слобожанська територіальна громада


Антикризовий медіа-центр

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