Decentralisation gave way to new leaders, its achievements have to be enshrined in the Constitution, - Head of Government

The decentralisation reform introduced by the Government of Ukraine gave way to new leaders who are well-informed about the situation on the ground, and this movement must be protected and reform achievements have to be enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman on the ICTV channel.

“I am pleased with the results of the reform we already have. Until 2014, the whole system of local self-government was destroyed, people were disappointed, millions wanted to change something in their hromadas, but they could not do it, because the central government took on all the powers. I did not tolerate this. I constantly raised this question, saying what had to be changed. Finally, after the Revolution of Dignity, an opportunity appeared, and I came to work to Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s Government in order to carry out the reform,” said Volodymyr Groysman.”The idea of ​​decentralisation is confined to one thing – give powers to people on the ground. These powers were transferred to hromadas. In 2014, local budgets amounted to UAH 70 billion, in 2019 – already UAH 270 billion. The structure of the budget, the decision-making system itself has changed. The next step is to involve people in the disposal of these resources so that people have an impact on hromada development. It happens in small hromadas; in large units, local democracy tools are needed. What s needed? Changed have to be enshrined in the Constitution. I will protect the reform.”

The Head of Government is confident that it will be possible to take all the necessary decisions in the nearest future – even in the inter-election period. “Elections are opportunities. They need to be used to change the system,” said Volodymyr Groysman. “The current composition of the Parliament can make a number of correct, systematic steps and lay the foundation for the necessary changes for the next 5 years.”

The Head of Government once again reminded that there should be only one principle of work: Ukraine is not just a place on the map. “It is a beautiful European country having all the opportunities for the European future. We have to provide it,” the Head of Government added.



Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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