Decentralisation and not only: experts recognised Groysman’s Government activity as successful – survey results

More than 80% of Ukrainian experts consider the work of the Government headed by Volodymyr Groysman as successful, reported the Situations Modeling Agency, that on 3-5 April surveyed 31 experts. The Agency’s press release is published by the Interfax-Ukraine.

The expert community believes that during Volodymyr Groysman’s Government activity, the overall economic situation in the country has changed for the better in comparison with the crisis in 2015. This opinion was expressed by 85% of the respondents. 81.5% of the respondents replied “Yes, the Government can rather be considered successful by its work results, since over these three years Ukraine has really overcome long-standing problems and has been developing” to the question “Do you think the Government of V. Groysman, on the whole, according to the results of its work, can be recognised as a successful Government, which solved the problems of Ukraine’s development, or rather not?”

The experts called decentralisation, growth of state support provided to local self-government, transfer of agricultural land outside settlements into communal ownership of AHs, etc. among the most notable positive changes.

More about survey results – in the press release of the Situations Modeling Agency.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Volodymyr Groysman


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