Beekeeping as component of Rukshynska AH development

The Rukshyn Agricultural Servicing Cooperative in the Rukshynska AH, has been operating since the last year, and united beekeepers of the hromada. The cooperative establishment initiative was implemented within the framework of the project “Different Hromadas – Common Solutions for Economic Growth”, funded by the EU within the framework of the Mayors for Economic Growth Initiative, aimed at 10 AHs of the oblast. The total budget of the project amounted to almost EUR 800 thousand, of which 25.5 per cent was financed by hromadas on terms of co-financing.

The “honey” agricultural servicing cooperative in Rukshyn was founded by Serhii Palahnyuk, adviser to the head of the Beekeeping Products Association “Bukovyna Beekeeper”. Currently, the organisation brings together several hundred beekeepers, who have joined common problems, since large beekeeping exporters dictate their economic conditions. In addition, the cooperative took on the role of promoting the beekeeping products on both domestic and foreign markets, in order to provide profit for direct producers.

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29.03.2019 - 12:00 | Views: 9406
Beekeeping as component of Rukshynska AH development


Чернівецька область


Рукшинська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Рукшинська територіальна громада


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