“My concern was that people could steal waste containers to use them as cages for coypus”, - head of Holobska hromada

“My concern was that people could steal waste containers to use them as cages for coypus”, - head of Holobska hromada

It was not easy to agree a meeting with Serhiy Harbaruk. In one of our phone talks he refused to meet, because some communal work was planned in the Holobska hromada led by him: “How will it look like with all people around working and myself chatting?”

However, we managed to arrange a meeting. The head of the hromada proudly shared with us the achievements made in almost four years after the establishment of the amalgamated hromada. He also explained why the village councils used to be short of money to “replace a defect bulb somewhere” and how decentralisation had enabled them to install street lights in rural locations with a couple of dozens of residents.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE 


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Голобська територіальна громада



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