The reform of decentralisation of power introduced by the Government of Ukraine – the transfer of powers and financial resources to the level of hromadas - has united the country and become a real and effective alternative to the idea of federalisation of Ukraine, announced Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine, during the meeting of the Regional Development Council in Kharkiv. Among the key issues for discussion was the progress of decentralisation reform and the need to transition to its new stage – to ensure the irreversibility of change.
It is symbolical that five years ago, staying on a visit to Kharkiv, Volodymyr Groysman, then Deputy Prime Minister- Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, presented the very idea of the reform - not only as a basis for a new administration at the central and local level but also as a meaningful and effective alternative to federalism and separatism. The then chosen course for reform - with the active leadership of Volodymyr Groysman – was fully warranted.
"The decisions that we adopt determine the development of our state in the medium and long term", said Volodymyr Groysman. "In 2014, we were offered a federalisation that would divide Ukraine into pieces. While we proposed what could unite the state - the decentralisation reform. Over the past four years, we have implemented the reform, which allowed us to triple the budgets of hromadas. And now it is necessary to use resources efficiently to achieve the goals. What are our objectives? To provide a new quality of education, medicine, infrastructure. The engine of development is the national economy."
The Head of Government stressed that the model of governance has now completely changed, and it concerns the development plans for 3-5 years ahead. "The role of local self-government is of paramount importance here - from the point of view of forming an environment in a bid to ensure qualitative and comfortable investment processes. Last year we yielded good results. This year, despite political processes, we must maintain stability, provide investment and growth, inter alia through the use of decentralisation opportunities, which allows regional economies and the national economy as whole to grow."
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