Hospital without waiting lines, new kindergartens, garden tourism, public information on LED screens and other features – success story of Preobrazhenska AH

Hospital without waiting lines, new kindergartens, garden tourism, public information on LED screens and other features – success story of Preobrazhenska AH

Hromadas houses in starosta districts, hospital without waiting lines, new kindergartens, cultivation of healing plants, local budget, socially responsible business, local orchestra – all this is part of everyday life in the Preobrazhenska AH of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. It also has a new way in informing its citizens about these realities – through LED screens installed in public places.

One of the first amalgamated hromadas in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast – the Preobrazhenska AH – is rather small; its population according to the official census is 5,900 persons. However, it pursues new approaches and has ambitious development plans.

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