50 hromadas to continue participating in “E-Solutions for Hromadas” project

Almost 300 hromadas from 23 oblasts of Ukraine have expressed their interest to participate in the project “E-Solutions for Hromadas”. 100 of them participated in the public presentation of the project and in the dedicated workshop in Kyiv.

Within few months, development teams in hromadas were set up whose representatives completed a training on the educational platform edu.cid.center, prepared individual plans for the project implementation and attended the seminar “ІТ Tools for the Development of Hromadas”. During that period we became aware that each hromada had its own specifics, a potential for development and was interested in innovations.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.03.2019 - 09:50 | Views: 11646
50 hromadas to continue participating in “E-Solutions for Hromadas” project




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