Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman has called on city mayors and heads of local authorities of different levels to raise and actively supervise road traffic safety issues in the framework of the implementation of regional development strategies. The PM said that during a meeting of the Coordinating Council for road traffic safety.
"The safety inside the cities is vital. I'm speaking here as an expert," said Volodymyr Groysman.
The Prime Minister reminded that during his tenure as mayor of Vinnytsia, in 2009, he had initiated the establishment of a municipal situation Centre for Road Traffic Safety. The city elaborated a project and was prepared to invest in such a centre. Though at that time the initiative did not find support at the government level and the centre was set up solely at the expense of the city funding, without the financial support of the central government.
Volodymyr Groysman accentuated, the current state of affairs is fundamentally different. The issues of traffic safety are a national priority. In addition, due to decentralisation, regions have significant development budgets.
"And I would like these centers to be set up in all cities in order to maintain the security, to include the implementation of local security strategies to the agenda. And aftermath the analysis of how the regions are struggling with the phenomena of traffic safety rules violations", urged Volodymyr Groysman.
Separately, the PM drew attention to the need to address the safety of children as road users and the continuation of the Government's initiative to provide children of preschool and school age with safety vests to use in the dark.
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